
Honored to Attain ISO 13485 Certification

ISO 13485 Certification


  • Quality Excellence at Foshan Yeekong Medical Technology CO., LTD.We take immense pride in announcing that Foshan Yeekong Medical Technology CO., LTD. has successfully attained ISO 13485 certification, a significant milestone in our journey toward maintaining the highest standards in the medical device industry.Certification Details:
    • Certification Body: NQA
    • Certificate Number: 129586

    Scope of Certification: This prestigious certification acknowledges Foshan Yeekong Medical Technology CO., LTD.’s commitment to excellence in the design, development, production, and distribution of medical devices. We adhere to the rigorous requirements outlined by ISO 13485, ensuring that our quality management systems meet the industry’s most stringent standards.

    Validity Period: The ISO 13485 certification of Foshan Yeekong Medical Technology CO., LTD. is valid from March 12, 2021, to March 12, 2024.

    Our Quality Commitment: At Foshan Yeekong Medical Technology CO., LTD., quality is at the core of everything we do. This certification is a testament to our unwavering dedication to implementing and maintaining robust quality controls throughout our processes. We view this achievement not as a culmination but as a stepping stone to continuous improvement.

    Key Highlights:

    • Rigorous Quality Controls: Our processes strictly adhere to the comprehensive standards set by ISO 13485, ensuring the consistency and reliability of our medical devices.
    • Continuous Improvement: We believe in the pursuit of excellence. Our commitment to ongoing improvement guarantees that our products not only meet but exceed evolving regulatory expectations, setting us apart in the industry.
    • Customer Confidence: ISO 13485 certification instills confidence in our customers, assuring them that Foshan Yeekong Medical Technology CO., LTD. is dedicated to delivering medical devices that are both safe and effective.

    Certificate Download: For detailed information on our ISO 13485 certification, you can download the official certificate [here]. This document provides a comprehensive overview of the standards we uphold to ensure the highest quality in our medical devices.

    Conclusion: We extend our gratitude to our valued customers and stakeholders for their unwavering support. As we move forward, Foshan Yeekong Medical Technology CO., LTD. remains committed to not only meeting industry standards but exceeding them, ensuring the delivery of top-tier medical devices that contribute to the well-being of individuals worldwide.

Certificate Download: For detailed information, you can download our ISO 13485 certificate.

We thank you for your trust in Foshan Yeekong Medical Technology CO., LTD. as we continue to uphold the highest standards in quality management.


Download Link:ISO13485 for Yeekong medical

Onedrive Link:ISO13485 for Yeekong medical.pdf

ISO13485 for Yeekong medical
ISO13485 for Yeekong medical

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